The following sentence may need a semicolon to separate independent clauses. Select the answer option that will make the sentence correct. If the original sentence is correct, select No change.

One key inventor in the United States was Robert Fulton; who brought affordable steamboat travel to New York state; another was Cyrus Hall McCormick, who invented the indispensable reaper.
Group of answer choices

Replace the semicolon after Fulton with a comma.

No change

Replace the semicolon after state with a comma.

Replace the semicolon after Fulton with a comma.

Hi, can you answer this please?

Penn's Quaker beliefs led him to speak out for the fair treatment of Native Americans. Penn believed that the land in North America belonged to the Indians.

He insisted that settlers should pay for the land. Native Americans respected him for this policy. As a result, Pennsylvania colonists enjoyed many years of peace with their Indian Neighbors. One settler remarked, "As Penn treated the Indians with extraordinary humanity, they became civil and loving to us. "

Which of the following made Pennsylvania under William Penn Different from other colonies?

a. Conflict with Native Americans occurred frequently.

b. Colonists took the land by force.

c. Some colonists were persecuted for their religious beliefs.

d. Colonies generally treated Native Americans with respect.

The correct answer is:

d. Colonies generally treated Native Americans with respect.

thanks!! i've got more for you by the way :)

You're welcome! I'm happy to help. Please go ahead and ask your next question.

i'll have to explain this one because it's visual, okay?

Of course! Feel free to explain the visual question, and I'll do my best to assist you with it.

Complete the Venn diagram by dragging and dropping the statements into the correct location.

The diagram has one circle that says Native Americans, the other circle on the other side says Europe, and in the middle it says both.

Put these in the correct spots.

'Population increased due to crops', 'impacted the communites', and 'an estimated 90% of the population died from disease'

Based on the given statements, here is how you can complete the Venn diagram:

- 'Population increased due to crops': This statement could be placed in the Native Americans circle, as it refers to the impact on their population.
- 'Impacted the communities': This statement could be placed in both circles, as both Native Americans and Europeans were impacted by their interactions and encounters.
- 'An estimated 90% of the population died from disease': This statement could be placed in the Native Americans circle, as it refers to the devastating impact of diseases brought by Europeans on the Native American population.

Hope this helps! Let me know if you have any more questions.

i have ONE more, and that should be about it :)