The following sentence may need a semicolon to separate independent clauses. Select the answer option that will make the sentence correct. If the original sentence is correct, select No change.

Before the Industrial Revolution in the seventeenth century, sources of power were limited, specifically, humans relied on themselves, animals, wind, and water.
Group of answer choices

Replace the comma after century with a semicolon.

No change

Replace the comma after limited with a semicolon.

Replace the comma after century with a semicolon.

The correct answer is:

Replace the comma after century with a semicolon.

To determine whether the sentence needs a semicolon, we need to identify the independent clauses. Independent clauses are complete thoughts that can stand alone as sentences.

In the given sentence: "Before the Industrial Revolution in the seventeenth century, sources of power were limited" and "specifically, humans relied on themselves, animals, wind, and water" are both independent clauses.

To properly connect two independent clauses, we can use a semicolon. In this case, the correct answer is:

Replace the comma after limited with a semicolon.