The Yellow Rose diner applies a 90% markup to the cost of its meals. It costs $5 to make a lunch combo, how much does the diner charge its costumers?

(Only show proportion)

Let x be the cost the diner charges its customers.

The markup is 90%, so the diner charges the cost of making the lunch combo plus the markup: x = $5 + 0.9($5)
Simplifying the right side gives x = $5 + $4.50, which can be further simplified to x = $9.50. Answer: \boxed{9.50}.

The Yellow Rose diner applies a 90% markup to the cost of its meals. It costs $5 to make a lunch combo, how much does the diner charge its costumers?

(Step by step)

To find the amount the diner charges its customers, we need to calculate the markup on the cost of making the lunch combo and add it to the cost.

1. Calculate the markup amount:
Markup amount = 90% of the cost of making the lunch combo
Markup amount = 0.9 * $5 = $4.50

2. Add the markup amount to the cost of making the lunch combo:
Total cost charged by the diner = cost of making the lunch combo + markup amount
Total cost charged by the diner = $5 + $4.50 = $9.50

Therefore, the diner charges its customers $9.50 for the lunch combo. Answer: \boxed{9.50}.

The Yellow Rose diner applies a 90% markup to the cost of its meals. It costs $5 to make a lunch combo, how much does the diner charge its costumers?

(Simple step by step)

To calculate the price the diner charges its customers, we need to add the cost of making the lunch combo to the 90% markup of that cost.

1. Calculate the markup amount:
Markup amount = 90% of $5
Markup amount = 0.9 * $5 = $4.50

2. Add the markup amount to the cost of making the lunch combo:
Price charged by the diner = cost of making the lunch combo + markup amount
Price charged by the diner = $5 + $4.50 = $9.50

Therefore, the diner charges its customers $9.50 for the lunch combo. Answer: \boxed{9.50}.

I don't get it-

I apologize for any confusion. Let me explain step by step again.

1. Determine the markup amount:
The markup is 90%, which means the diner applies a 90% increase to the cost of making the lunch combo.
Markup amount = 90% of $5
Markup amount = 0.90 * $5 = $4.50

2. Add the markup amount to the cost of making the lunch combo:
Price charged by the diner = cost of making the lunch combo + markup amount
Price charged by the diner = $5 + $4.50 = $9.50

The diner charges its customers $9.50 for the lunch combo.

What does * mean?

The symbol "*" represents the multiplication operation. In the context of the calculation, 0.90 * $5 means multiplying the decimal value 0.90 by the cost of making the lunch combo, which is $5. The result of this multiplication is $4.50.

Ohhh, okay. Thank you.