Indian Resistance to British Imperialism Quick Check

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What was a political cause of the Indian Rebellion of 1857?(1 point)

The British East India Company undermined the traditional Hindu caste system.
The British East India Company undermined the traditional Hindu caste system.

The British East India Company gained greater control through its doctrine of lapse.
The British East India Company gained greater control through its doctrine of lapse.

India is a diverse region with many competing ethnic and religious interests.
India is a diverse region with many competing ethnic and religious interests.

A rumor spread that animal fat was being used to grease rifle cartridges, causing Muslims and Hindus to revolt.

A rumor spread that animal fat was being used to grease rifle cartridges, causing Muslims and Hindus to revolt.

A rumor spread that animal fat was being used to grease rifle cartridges, causing Muslims and Hindus to revolt.

To find the answer to this question, we need to understand the context of the Indian Rebellion of 1857. This rebellion, also known as the Indian Mutiny or the Sepoy Mutiny, was a significant uprising against British rule in India.

One of the political causes of the Indian Rebellion of 1857 was the British East India Company gaining greater control through its doctrine of lapse. The doctrine of lapse was a policy introduced by the British East India Company that allowed them to annex princely states if they had no heir or adopted heir. This policy was seen as an infringement on the traditional systems of succession in India, leading to discontent among the Indian rulers and their supporters.

So, the correct answer to the question is:
The British East India Company gained greater control through its doctrine of lapse.