Based on properties of elements in the periodic table, which element is the best conductor of thermal energy?

1. argon (Ar)
2. vanadium (V)
3. germanium (Ge)
4. polonium (Po)

The best conductor of thermal energy among the given elements in the periodic table is vanadium (V).

The element that is the best conductor of thermal energy among the given options is vanadium (V).

To determine which element is the best conductor of thermal energy, we need to analyze the properties of the elements mentioned in the question - argon (Ar), vanadium (V), germanium (Ge), and polonium (Po).

One important property to consider when it comes to thermal conductivity is the presence and mobility of free electrons within the element's structure. Elements with metallic bonds tend to have higher thermal conductivity because they have delocalized electrons that can easily transfer energy.

Looking at the given options, we can rule out argon (Ar) as it is a noble gas and does not have metallic bonds or free electrons in its structure.

Vanadium (V) is a transition metal and possesses good thermal conductivity. However, it is not the best conductor among the options given.

Germanium (Ge) is a metalloid and has semiconducting properties rather than purely metallic properties. While it does have some thermal conductivity, it is not considered the best conductor among the options mentioned.

Polonium (Po) is a radioactive element and belongs to group 16 of the periodic table. It is a poor conductor of thermal energy due to its low thermal conductivity.

Considering all these factors, the answer to the question is vanadium (V). While germanium (Ge) has some thermal conductivity, vanadium (V) has better conductivity among the given options.