How did the Treaty of Granada affect the Mudéjars living in Spain? (1 point)

A. • They were expelled from Spain altogether.
B. • They were required to fight in the Spanish army.
C. O They were allowed to worship freely as Muslims.
D. O They were forced to wear specific symbols on their clothing.

C. They were allowed to worship freely as Muslims.

C. They were allowed to worship freely as Muslims.

To answer this question, we can follow these steps:

Step 1: Understand the context
The Treaty of Granada refers to the treaty signed between the Catholic Monarchs of Spain, Ferdinand II and Isabella I, and Boabdil, the last Nasrid ruler of the Emirate of Granada. This treaty marked the end of the Muslim rule in Spain and the consolidation of Christian authority.

Step 2: Analyze the options
A. They were expelled from Spain altogether.
B. They were required to fight in the Spanish army.
C. They were allowed to worship freely as Muslims.
D. They were forced to wear specific symbols on their clothing.

Step 3: Eliminate incorrect options
Option A is incorrect because the Mudéjars were not expelled from Spain as a result of the Treaty of Granada. Option B is also incorrect because there is no evidence to suggest that they were required to fight in the Spanish army. Option D is also incorrect because it refers to a different historical event, the Spanish Inquisition, and not the Treaty of Granada.

Step 4: Determine the correct option
Option C, "They were allowed to worship freely as Muslims," is the correct answer. The Treaty of Granada included provisions that allowed the Mudéjars, who were Muslim inhabitants of Spain, to continue practicing their religion freely. However, over time, the religious freedoms of Mudéjars were gradually restricted in Spain, leading to their forced conversion or expulsion during subsequent years.

So, the correct answer is:

C. They were allowed to worship freely as Muslims.