Which of the following forms a theory explaining the Great Atlantic Migration?(1 point)


economic pull factors in Europe due to industrial growth
economic pull factors in Europe due to industrial growth

political push factors in Europe due to governmental instability
political push factors in Europe due to governmental instability

economic push factors in Europe resulting from crop failures
economic push factors in Europe resulting from crop failures

environmental pull factors in the U.S. held a desirable climate
environmental pull factors in the U.S. held a desirable climate

All of the above responses can contribute to a theory explaining the Great Atlantic Migration.

The correct answer is:

economic push factors in Europe resulting from crop failures

To determine which of the options forms a theory explaining the Great Atlantic Migration, we need to analyze each option and see which one aligns with the given historical context.

The Great Atlantic Migration refers to the mass movement of people from Europe to the United States during the 19th and early 20th centuries. This migration was driven by various factors, including economic, political, and environmental.

Let's examine each option:

1. Economic pull factors in Europe due to industrial growth: This option suggests that the economic opportunities in Europe, specifically driven by industrial growth, attracted people to migrate to the United States. This aligns with one of the key factors that motivated the Great Atlantic Migration.

2. Political push factors in Europe due to governmental instability: This option suggests that political instability in Europe, such as conflicts or revolutions, pushed people to migrate to the United States. While political factors did contribute to migration during certain periods, they were not the primary driving force for the Great Atlantic Migration.

3. Economic push factors in Europe resulting from crop failures: This option suggests that crop failures in Europe led to economic difficulties, which in turn pushed people to migrate. Crop failures and resulting economic hardships were indeed factors that contributed to migration, but they alone do not fully explain the Great Atlantic Migration.

4. Environmental pull factors in the U.S. held a desirable climate: This option suggests that the United States' desirable climate was a major factor attracting people from Europe. While environmental factors, such as the promise of fertile land, did play a role in some migration decisions, they were not the main driving force behind the Great Atlantic Migration.

Based on the analysis, the option that best aligns with the theory explaining the Great Atlantic Migration is:

- Economic pull factors in Europe due to industrial growth

This option captures the opportunities for better economic conditions in the United States driven by industrialization and economic growth in Europe.