The promise of a bill of rights was key to winning the support of which of the following groups?

(1 point)

The promise of a bill of rights was key to winning the support of the Anti-Federalists, who were concerned about protecting individual liberties and limiting the power of the federal government.


southern farmers

northern industrialists


The promise of a bill of rights was key to winning the support of the Anti-Federalists.

The promise of a bill of rights was key to winning the support of the Anti-Federalists.

To determine which of the following groups was key to winning support for the promise of a bill of rights, you would need to know the context and historical background of the specific bill of rights being referred to. There have been different instances throughout history where a bill of rights has been influential in gaining support from various groups.

Some examples include:

1. The United States Bill of Rights: The promise of a bill of rights, which is the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, was crucial in winning the support of Anti-Federalists during the ratification process. The Anti-Federalists were concerned that the original Constitution did not provide enough protections for individual liberties and believed that a bill of rights was necessary. The promise of a bill of rights helped to alleviate their concerns and gain their support.

2. The English Bill of Rights: In 1689, the English Bill of Rights was enacted following the Glorious Revolution. This bill of rights limited the powers of the monarchy and established important individual liberties. It was supported by various groups, including Whigs, who were opposed to the absolute power of the king. The promise of a bill of rights helped to secure their support for the new constitutional settlement.

Without specifying which bill of rights you are referring to, it is not possible to provide a definitive answer.