How do wolves maintain homeostasis during cold winter nights?

They find shelter that blocks them from the wind.

Their metabolism speeds up to produce heat.

Their thick fur retains heat.

All of the above.

All of the above.

All of the above.

The correct answer is: All of the above.

Wolves maintain homeostasis during cold winter nights by implementing different strategies. One way is by finding shelter that blocks them from the wind. This helps to reduce the loss of body heat and allows them to retain their warmth.

Additionally, wolves have the ability to speed up their metabolism. By doing so, they generate more heat, which helps them maintain their internal body temperature in colder conditions.

Another adaptation that allows wolves to regulate their body temperature is their thick fur. The dense fur acts as insulation, trapping heat close to their bodies and preventing it from escaping into the surrounding environment.

In combination, finding shelter, increasing metabolism, and having thick fur all work together to help wolves maintain homeostasis during cold winter nights.