in a recipe for apple cake for 6 people you need 120g of harina 240g of sugar and 3 apples what quantity of ingredients do you need to prepare this cake for 4 people answer quickly please it's for tomorrow morning

To prepare the apple cake for 4 people, you can adjust the quantities of ingredients in proportion to the original recipe.

For harina:
120g / 6 people = 20g per person
20g x 4 people = 80g of harina needed for 4 people

For sugar:
240g / 6 people = 40g per person
40g x 4 people = 160g of sugar needed for 4 people

For apples:
3 apples / 6 people = 0.5 apple per person
0.5 apple x 4 people = 2 apples needed for 4 people

Therefore, you will need 80g of harina, 160g of sugar, and 2 apples to prepare the apple cake for 4 people.

To prepare the apple cake for 4 people instead of 6 people, you can adjust the quantities of the ingredients accordingly. Here's the quantity you will need:

- Flour (harina): 80g (120g divided by 6, then multiplied by 4)
- Sugar: 160g (240g divided by 6, then multiplied by 4)
- Apples: 2 (3 divided by 6, then multiplied by 4)

Please note that this is a rough estimate. Adjustments may need to be made based on personal preference and the specific recipe. Also, make sure to double-check your recipe for any additional ingredients or steps you might need to follow.

To determine the quantity of ingredients needed to prepare the apple cake for 4 people instead of 6, you can simply adjust the amounts proportionally.

First, calculate the scaling factor by dividing the desired serving size (4 people) by the original serving size (6 people):

Scaling factor = (desired serving size) / (original serving size)
Scaling factor = 4 / 6
Scaling factor ≈ 0.67

Now apply the scaling factor to each ingredient:

1. Harina: Multiply the original quantity by the scaling factor.
New quantity of harina = 120g * 0.67 ≈ 80g

2. Sugar: Multiply the original quantity by the scaling factor.
New quantity of sugar = 240g * 0.67 ≈ 161g

3. Apples: Divide the original quantity by the original serving size, then multiply by the desired serving size.
New quantity of apples = (3 apples / 6) * 4 = 2 apples

Therefore, to prepare the apple cake for 4 people, you will need approximately 80g of harina, 161g of sugar, and 2 apples. Remember to adjust the other ingredients and follow the recipe instructions accordingly. Enjoy baking your cake tomorrow morning!