Convert from scientific notation to standard notation.



To convert a number from scientific notation to standard notation, you simply move the decimal point to the right or left depending on the exponent.

Given the number 3.41×10^(-5), move the decimal point 5 places to the left because the exponent is negative.

Therefore, the number in standard notation is 0.0000341.

To convert a number from scientific notation to standard notation, follow these steps:

1. Write down the number without the exponent. In this case, it is 3.41.

2. Determine the number of places you need to move the decimal point. The exponent in scientific notation tells you how many places the decimal point should be moved and in which direction. If the exponent is negative, move the decimal point to the left. In this case, the exponent is -5, so we need to move the decimal point 5 places to the left.

3. Move the decimal point the required number of places. Starting from the original position of the decimal point, move it 5 places to the left. If there are not enough digits to move the decimal point, add zeros as placeholders. In this case, after moving the decimal point 5 places to the left, you get 0.0000341.

4. Remove any trailing zeros. Since there are no digits to the right of the decimal point, you can remove the trailing zeros. The final answer is 0.0000341.

Therefore, 3.41×10^(-5) in standard notation is 0.0000341.