Using a number line, what whole number and rational number to the nearest half is 58−−√ between?

between 8.5 and 9

between 7 and 7.5

between 8 and 8.5

between 7.5 and 8

The square root of 58 is approximately 7.6157. Since it is between 7 and 8, we can conclude that it is between 7 and 7.5 on a number line. Therefore, the correct answer is between 7 and 7.5.

To find the whole number and rational number to the nearest half that 58−−√ is between, we can use a number line:

Number Line:

7 7.5 8 8.5 9

Since 58−−√ is between 8 and 8.5, the whole number and rational number to the nearest half that it is between is 8 and 8.5.

To determine the whole number and rational number to the nearest half that √58 is between, we can approximate the value of √58.

Step 1: Find the square root of 58.
√58 ≈ 7.61577

Step 2: Determine the whole number and rational number to the nearest half that √58 is between.
The whole number closest to 7.61577 is 8.
To find the rational number to the nearest half, we consider the range between 8 and 8.5. Since 7.61577 is closer to 8 than to 8.5, the rational number √58 is between can be approximated as 8.

Therefore, the correct answer is between 8 and 8.5.