Antries are..

A: A chamber of the heart the blood enters

B: Blood vessels that carry blood towards the heart

C: The chamber of the heart that blood exits

D: Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart

D: Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart

Antries are not a recognized term in relation to the heart or blood vessels. However, if you meant to type "Atria", then option A and C would be correct.

Atria are the two upper chambers of the heart where blood enters before being pumped into the ventricles. The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the body, while the left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lungs.

Option B and D are not correct in relation to atria. Blood vessels that carry blood towards the heart are called veins, while blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart are called arteries.

The correct answer is D: Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.

To determine the correct answer, you could break down the word "arteries" and think about their function. Arteries are part of the circulatory system and play a role in carrying blood throughout the body. They are responsible for delivering oxygenated blood away from the heart and towards various organs, tissues, and cells.

Option A, "A chamber of the heart the blood enters," refers to the ventricles, which receive blood from the atria, not arteries.

Option B, "Blood vessels that carry blood towards the heart," is incorrect as arteries carry blood away from the heart, not towards it.

Option C, "The chamber of the heart that blood exits," refers to the ventricles, which pump blood out to the body through the arteries, but arteries themselves do not serve as chambers.

Therefore, the correct answer is D: Blood vessels that carry blood away from the heart.