1 cup = 8 fluid ounces

Does that mean it takes 48 fluid ounces of milk to fill any 6 drinking cups?

6 cups are the same height but different widths.

Yes, because milk is a liquid.

Yes, because 6 × 8 = 48.

No, because not every drinking cup has a volume of 1 cup.

No, because the cups are made of glass.

No, because not every drinking cup has a volume of 1 cup. The cups may have different capacities, so it cannot be assumed that it takes 48 fluid ounces to fill any 6 drinking cups.

No, because not every drinking cup has a volume of 1 cup. The statement "1 cup = 8 fluid ounces" refers to standard measuring cups, but drinking cups can have different volumes. So, it cannot be assumed that it takes 48 fluid ounces of milk to fill any 6 drinking cups.

The correct answer is: No, because not every drinking cup has a volume of 1 cup.

To determine how many fluid ounces of milk it takes to fill any 6 drinking cups, you need to know the volume of each cup. If the 6 cups have different widths, it means they may have different volumes. Therefore, it cannot be assumed that it takes 48 fluid ounces of milk to fill any 6 drinking cups. You would need to measure the volume of each individual cup to find out how much milk is needed to fill each one.