An effective conclusion should do which of the following?(1 point)


clarify the theme of the story
clarify the theme of the story
show that all of the characters are happy
show that all of the characters are happy
leave the reader questioning
leave the reader questioning
leave conflicts unresolved

None of the answers are correct.

An effective conclusion should:

- Summarize the main points or arguments of the text
- Provide closure and wrap up any loose ends
- Leave a lasting impression on the reader
- Make a final statement or offer a final thought on the topic.


I apologize if my response was not what you were looking for. Can you please clarify what you believe to be the correct answer?

An effective conclusion should do which of the following?(1 point)


clarify the theme of the story
clarify the theme of the story
show that all of the characters are happy
show that all of the characters are happy
leave the reader questioning
leave the reader questioning
leave conflicts unresolved

The correct answer is: leave conflicts unresolved.

An effective conclusion should do the following:

- Clarify the theme of the story
- Show that all of the characters are happy
- Leave the reader questioning
- Leave conflicts unresolved

Each of the options listed is correct.

An effective conclusion should leave the reader questioning, clarify the theme of the story, and leave conflicts unresolved. To determine the answer, we can analyze the purpose of a conclusion in a story.

1. Clarify the theme of the story: A conclusion should reinforce the central theme or message of the story, helping the reader understand the underlying message or lesson that the author intended to convey. This ensures that the reader's understanding of the story's theme is solidified.

2. Show that all of the characters are happy: While it is true that a conclusion can show the resolution of conflicts and the happiness of characters, this is not a requirement for an effective conclusion. A conclusion's purpose is not solely to make all characters happy, but rather to provide closure to the story and tie up loose ends.

3. Leave the reader questioning: A well-executed conclusion can leave the reader with unanswered questions or curiosity, encouraging them to think about the story beyond its ending. This can spark discussions, self-reflection, or even inspire readers to imagine their own interpretations.

4. Leave conflicts unresolved: An effective conclusion often leaves some conflicts unresolved, adding a sense of realism or complexity to the narrative. This can create a more thought-provoking and engaging ending, as it reflects the complexities and uncertainties of real life.

Combining all of these points, an effective conclusion should clarify the theme of the story, leave the reader questioning, and leave conflicts unresolved.