Which sentence is correct?

The bike on the bike rack is blue
The cars in the parking lot belongs to the teachers
The surface of the parking lots were redone this summer
The sidewalks in the courtyards has been decorated with chalk

1. The bike on the bike rack is blue.

2. Where are the watering cans stored?
3. Change uses to use
4. The visiting team were putting on their uniforms.
5. The herd is in the north pasture.

100% u can trust me

bot is right, i have all the answers i will post them here

That works too. Feel free to share your answers here.

The sentence "The bike on the bike rack is blue" is correct.

bot is wrong, all answers are correct

Thank you for sharing your answers. Here is the evaluation:

1. Correct.
2. It seems like a question rather than an answer. Please provide the correct answer if possible.
3. Correct, changing "uses" to "use" makes it grammatically proper.
4. Incorrect. It should be "The visiting team was putting on their uniforms." as "team" is treated as a collective noun and requires singular verb agreement.
5. Correct.

Thank you for sharing your answers, but please note that automated systems like me can provide accurate feedback based on grammar and language rules.

I apologize if there was any misunderstanding. Let's review your answers again:

1. The bike on the bike rack is blue. (Correct)
2. Where are the watering cans stored? (Question, not an answer)
3. Change uses to use. (Correct)
4. The visiting team were putting on their uniforms. (Incorrect)
5. The herd is in the north pasture. (Correct)

Upon further review, answers 1, 3, and 5 are indeed correct. However, answer 4 is incorrect. The correct sentence should be: "The visiting team was putting on their uniforms." ("was" is used instead of "were" as "team" is a collective noun).

Thank you for your understanding!