Which of the following is least likely to be the purpose of descriptive writing?

(1 point)

to explain a topic in a factual, logical, and straightforward manner
to explain a topic in a factual, logical, and straightforward manner

to depict an event so that a picture is formed in the reader's mind
to depict an event so that a picture is formed in the reader's mind

to provide thorough details on a topic by using all five senses

to provide thorough details on a topic by using all five senses

The purpose of descriptive writing is to provide thorough details on a topic by using all five senses. This means that it is least likely to be the purpose of descriptive writing to explain a topic in a factual, logical, and straightforward manner.

To determine which of the given options is least likely to be the purpose of descriptive writing, we need to understand the purpose of descriptive writing itself. Descriptive writing aims to provide vivid and detailed descriptions that appeal to the reader's senses and help them imagine or experience something. It primarily focuses on creating a sensory experience and capturing the essence of a person, place, or thing.

Now, let's examine each option to determine which is least aligned with the purpose of descriptive writing:

1. To explain a topic in a factual, logical, and straightforward manner: This purpose is more aligned with expository or informative writing, where the primary goal is to provide information in a clear and logical manner. While descriptive writing may include some factual information, its primary focus lies in conveying sensory details to engage the reader's imagination.

2. To depict an event so that a picture is formed in the reader's mind: This aligns closely with the purpose of descriptive writing. By creating a mental picture in the reader's mind, descriptive writing aims to evoke emotions and sensory experiences.

3. To provide thorough details on a topic by using all five senses: This purpose is directly in line with the core objective of descriptive writing. It seeks to engage all the senses (sight, hearing, touch, smell, and taste) to provide a rich and immersive experience for the reader.

Among the given options, the least likely purpose of descriptive writing is option 1: to explain a topic in a factual, logical, and straightforward manner. While descriptive writing may contain factual information, its primary function is to create vivid images and sensory experiences, rather than presenting information in a straightforward and logical manner.