Which of the following behaviors might help you maintain good emotional and mental health?

keeping a journal of your accomplishments and interests
keeping a journal of your accomplishments and interests

completing your homework
completing your homework

keeping to yourself and not socializing with new people
keeping to yourself and not socializing with new people

maintaining friendships with people who really know you

maintaining friendships with people who really know you

Maintaining friendships with people who really know you can help you maintain good emotional and mental health.

The behavior that might help you maintain good emotional and mental health is maintaining friendships with people who really know you.

To determine the correct answer, you can analyze each behavior and consider its potential impact on emotional and mental health.

Keeping a journal of your accomplishments and interests can be a helpful practice for self-reflection and personal growth. It allows you to celebrate your achievements and explore your passions, which can contribute to a positive sense of self and well-being.

Completing your homework is important for academic success, but its direct impact on emotional and mental health might be limited. While meeting academic responsibilities can reduce stress and anxiety related to schoolwork, it is not solely indicative of good emotional and mental health.

Keeping to yourself and not socializing with new people can have negative consequences on emotional and mental health. Human connection, social interactions, and building relationships are vital for overall well-being. Isolation can lead to feelings of loneliness, which can impact mental health in various ways.

Maintaining friendships with people who really know you is considered an essential behavior for good emotional and mental health. It allows for a support system, provides opportunities for meaningful connections, and creates a sense of belonging and emotional security. Having close relationships where you can be understood, accepted, and supported can have a positive impact on mental health.