A light is connected to a battery as shown below.

What type of energy transfer occurs?

(1 point)

Mechanical energy to electrical energy
Mechanical energy to electrical energy

Chemical energy to mechanical energy
Chemical energy to mechanical energy

Electrical energy to mechanical energy
Electrical energy to mechanical energy

Chemical energy to electrical energy

Chemical energy to electrical energy

The correct answer is: Chemical energy to electrical energy

The type of energy transfer that occurs in this case is "Chemical energy to electrical energy."

To arrive at this answer, you can follow these steps:

1. Identify the components involved: In this case, you have a light and a battery.
2. Determine the source of energy: The battery stores chemical energy.
3. Note the form of energy that is being used: The battery converts chemical energy into electrical energy.
4. Examine what is happening to the energy: The electrical energy is being used to power the light.
5. Identify the final form of energy: The light bulb converts electrical energy into light energy.

Based on this analysis, the energy transfer in this system is from chemical energy (stored in the battery) to electrical energy (used to power the light bulb).