The diagram below shows that the colonies formed some of their political views from some historical documents, which phrase completes the diagram

"Colonial Political Views Influenced By: _________"

The provided information does not include a diagram. Please provide more details or describe the missing phrase so that I can assist you further.

To determine the phrase that completes the diagram, we need to consider the context given. Since the diagram shows that the colonies formed some of their political views from historical documents, we are looking for a phrase that represents this relationship.

Possible phrases that could complete the diagram include:

1. "Influenced by historical documents"
2. "Derived from historical documents"
3. "Shaped by historical documents"
4. "Built upon historical documents"

To identify the correct phrase, we need additional information or the specific requirements of the diagram. Without further context, it is difficult to determine the exact phrase that would complete the diagram. However, it is clear that any of the options above would indicate the connection between the colonies' political views and historical documents.