here are five negative tiles and two positive tiles Find the sum of -5, and +2

To find the sum of -5 and +2, we can simply add the two numbers together:

-5 + 2 = -3

Therefore, the sum of -5 and +2 is -3.

Tina was writing a report about the weather in Fairbanks, Alaska. Tina included this information about the weather in Fairbanks in her report.

Average Summer Temperature: 61℉
Average Winter Temperature: -12℉
What was the difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature in ℉?

24.5 ℉




To find the difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature, we simply subtract the winter temperature from the summer temperature:

61℉ - (-12℉)

When subtracting a negative number, we can change the operation to addition:

61℉ + 12℉ = 73℉

Therefore, the difference between the average summer temperature and the average winter temperature in Fairbanks, Alaska is 73℉.

Simplify the following expression.

-851 - (-394)

(1 point)





To simplify the expression -851 - (-394), we can follow these steps:

1. Remove the double negatives by changing the subtraction of a negative to addition:
-851 + 394

2. Add the two numbers together:

Therefore, the simplified expression -851 - (-394) is -457.

Bertha and Vernon are competing in a diving competition. Bertha's dive ended -30 m from the starting platform. Vernon's dive ended -6 m from the starting platform. How many times farther was the end of Bertha's dive than the end of Vernon's dive?(1 point)






To find how many times farther Bertha's dive ended from the starting platform compared to Vernon's dive, we can calculate the ratio of their distances from the starting platform.

The distance of Bertha's dive from the starting platform: -30 m
The distance of Vernon's dive from the starting platform: -6 m

To find the ratio, we divide Bertha's distance by Vernon's distance:

-30 m / -6 m = 5

Therefore, the end of Bertha's dive is 5 times farther from the starting platform than the end of Vernon's dive. The correct answer is 5.

Find the product:


(1 point)





To find the product of (-5)(-3)(-3), we can simply multiply the three numbers together:

(-5)(-3)(-3) = (-5)(-9) = 45

Therefore, the product of (-5)(-3)(-3) is 45.

What is the quotient of 100 ÷ (-50)?(1 point)



