Which of the following best describes a person with social health?

(1 point)

You respond appropriately to a failing grade.
You respond appropriately to a failing grade.

You participate in an activity because you enjoy it.
You participate in an activity because you enjoy it.

You run daily to prepare for a 5K.
You run daily to prepare for a 5K.

You develop positive interactions with your peers.
You develop positive interactions with your peers.

You develop positive interactions with your peers.

The best description of a person with social health is: "You develop positive interactions with your peers."

The correct answer is "You develop positive interactions with your peers." This best describes a person with social health. They are able to build and maintain positive relationships with others, communicate effectively, and work well in group settings.

To reach this answer, you can evaluate each response and consider whether it aligns with the concept of social health. The first response, "You respond appropriately to a failing grade," does not directly relate to social health because it does not involve interactions with peers. The second response, "You participate in an activity because you enjoy it," does not necessarily indicate social health, as it could involve individual pursuits rather than social interactions. The third response, "You run daily to prepare for a 5K," is also unrelated to social health, as it focuses on physical fitness rather than social interactions. Only the fourth response, "You develop positive interactions with your peers," directly addresses social health by emphasizing positive relationships with others.