Compare Proportional Relationships Quick Check

3 of 53 of 5 Items

Use the table and image to answer the question.

Cookie A – Cookies per Cup of Sugar
Cups Cookies
2 80
3 120
4 160
An illustration shows Quadrant 1 of a coordinate plane. The x-axis is labeled Cups and ranges from 0 to 6 in one unit increments. The y-axis is labeled Cookies and ranges from 0 to 192 in 12 unit increments. The graph is titled Cookies per Cup of Sugar. A line connects six points plotted on the graph. The coordinates of the plotted points are left parenthesis 0 comma 0 right parenthesis, left parenthesis 1 comma 36 right parenthesis, left parenthesis 2 comma 72 right parenthesis, left parenthesis 3 comma 108 right parenthesis, left parenthesis 4 comma 144 right parenthesis, and left parenthesis 5 comma 180 right parenthesis. An upward arrow points to 1 on the x-axis.

The yields of cookies per cup of sugar for Cookie A and Cookie B are displayed in the table and the graph. Find the cookie that yields the most cookies from one cup of sugar. How many cookies does Cookie A and Cookie B make from one cup of sugar?

(1 point)

Cookie A makes more cookies than Cookie B from one cup of sugar. Cookie A makes 80 cookies, and Cookie B makes 36 cookies from one cup of sugar.
Cookie A makes more cookies than Cookie B from one cup of sugar. Cookie A makes 80 cookies, and Cookie B makes 36 cookies from one cup of sugar.

Cookie B makes more cookies than Cookie A. Cookie B makes 40 cookies, and Cookie A makes 36 cookies from one cup of sugar.
Cookie B makes more cookies than Cookie A. Cookie B makes 40 cookies, and Cookie A makes 36 cookies from one cup of sugar.

Cookie B makes more cookies than Cookie A. Cookie B makes 72 cookies, and Cookie A makes 40 cookies.
Cookie B makes more cookies than Cookie A. Cookie B makes 72 cookies, and Cookie A makes 40 cookies.

Cookie A makes more cookies than Cookie B from one cup of sugar. Cookie A makes 40 cookies, and Cookie B makes 36 cookies from one cup of sugar.
Cookie A makes more cookies than Cookie B from one cup of sugar. Cookie A makes 40 cookies, and Cookie B makes 36 cookies from one cup of sugar.
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The correct response is:

Cookie A makes more cookies than Cookie B from one cup of sugar. Cookie A makes 80 cookies, and Cookie B makes 36 cookies from one cup of sugar.

To find the cookie that yields the most cookies from one cup of sugar, we need to compare the values for Cookie A and Cookie B in the table and graph.

From the table, we see that for Cookie A, with 2 cups of sugar, it makes 80 cookies. From the graph, we can determine that for Cookie B, with 1 cup of sugar, it makes 36 cookies.

Comparing these values, we can conclude that Cookie A makes more cookies than Cookie B from one cup of sugar. Therefore, the correct answer is:

Cookie A makes more cookies than Cookie B from one cup of sugar. Cookie A makes 80 cookies, and Cookie B makes 36 cookies from one cup of sugar.

To find the cookie that yields the most cookies from one cup of sugar, we need to compare the yields of Cookie A and Cookie B from one cup of sugar.

Looking at the table for Cookie A, we see that it makes 80 cookies from 2 cups of sugar. Since the question is asking for the number of cookies from one cup of sugar, we need to divide this number by 2. So, Cookie A makes 80/2 = <<80/2=40>>40 cookies from one cup of sugar.

In the image, we see the points plotted on the graph for Cookie A. The arrow points to 1 on the x-axis, which means we need to find the corresponding y-coordinate on the graph. From the graph, we can see that when x = 1 (which represents one cup of sugar), the corresponding y-coordinate is 36. Therefore, Cookie B makes 36 cookies from one cup of sugar.

Comparing the yields, we find that Cookie A makes more cookies than Cookie B from one cup of sugar. Cookie A makes 40 cookies, and Cookie B makes 36 cookies from one cup of sugar.

Therefore, the correct response is:
Cookie A makes more cookies than Cookie B from one cup of sugar. Cookie A makes 40 cookies, and Cookie B makes 36 cookies from one cup of sugar.