Marcus is making granola mix. He needs 6.125 cups of granola. His measuring cups are only in fractions. How many cups is 6.125 in fraction form? Simplify, if possible. (1 point)

To convert 6.125 cups to fraction form, we can write it as a mixed number: 6 + 0.125 cups.

However, we want to convert it to an improper fraction. There are 8 parts of 0.125 in a whole (since 1 divided by 0.125 is 8). So, we can multiply 0.125 by 8 to convert it to an improper fraction:

0.125 * 8 = 1

Therefore, the fraction form of 6.125 cups is 6 and 1/8 cups.

To convert 6.125 into fraction form, we can write it as a mixed number or a decimal.

As a mixed number:
Since there are 8 eighths in one whole, we can first convert the decimal part, 0.125, into eighths.

0.125 can be written as 1/8, so the mixed number is 6 1/8 cups.

As a decimal:
To convert 6.125 into a fraction, we can use the fact that the decimal places tell us the denominator of the fraction.

6.125 can be written as 6125/1000. Then, we can simplify the fraction if possible. In this case, the simplified fraction would be 49/8.

Therefore, 6.125 cups is equal to either 6 1/8 cups or 49/8 cups in fraction form.

To express 6.125 cups in fraction form, you need to convert the decimal to a fraction.

Step 1: Rewrite the decimal as the numerator.

6.125 -> 6125 (numerator)

Step 2: Determine the denominator based on the number of decimal places.

Since there are 3 decimal places (0.125), the denominator should be 1000 (10 raised to the power of 3).

Step 3: Simplify the fraction (if possible).

To simplify the fraction, divide the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common divisor (GCD). In this case, 125 is the GCD.

6125 ÷ 125 = 49
1000 ÷ 125 = 8

Therefore, 6.125 cups in fraction form is 49/8.