Find the value of the expression.

3 × 2 + 7 × 0
(1 point)




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The value of the expression 3 × 2 + 7 × 0 is 6, so the correct answer is:


To find the value of the expression 3 × 2 + 7 × 0, we need to follow the order of operations, also known as PEMDAS (Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplication/Division, Addition/Subtraction).

First, we perform the multiplication:
3 × 2 = 6

Next, we perform the multiplication:

7 × 0 = 0

Finally, we add the two results together:

6 + 0 = 6

Therefore, the value of the expression is 6.

To find the value of the expression 3 × 2 + 7 × 0, you need to follow the order of operations, which is also known as the "PEMDAS" rule.

PEMDAS stands for:

P: Parentheses (simplify expressions inside parentheses first)
E: Exponents (evaluate any numbers with exponents next)
MD: Multiplication and Division (perform any multiplication or division from left to right)
AS: Addition and Subtraction (perform any addition or subtraction from left to right)

In this expression, there are only multiplication and addition operations. So, we perform the multiplication first.

3 × 2 = 6 (First multiplication)

Next, we have 7 × 0. Any number multiplied by 0 will always result in 0. So:

7 × 0 = 0 (Second multiplication)

Now that we have the results of the multiplications, we perform the addition:

6 + 0 = 6

Therefore, the value of the expression 3 × 2 + 7 × 0 is 6.