Use this paragraph: In a scale model of the solar system, the distance between Jupiter and Saturn is 17.2 cm, while the distance between Saturn and Uranus is 38.8 cm. The astronomical unit distance between Jupiter and Saturn is 4.3 AU.

What is the astronomical unit distance between Jupiter and Uranus?

(1 point)

5.4 AU
5.4 AU

14 AU
14 AU

9.7 AU
9.7 AU

1.9 AU
1.9 AU

To determine the astronomical unit distance between Jupiter and Uranus, we can use the given information about the distances between Jupiter and Saturn, as well as between Saturn and Uranus.

Given that the distance between Jupiter and Saturn is 17.2 cm and the distance between Saturn and Uranus is 38.8 cm, and knowing that the astronomical unit distance between Jupiter and Saturn is 4.3 AU, we can calculate the astronomical unit distance between Jupiter and Uranus.

To do this, we can set up a proportion:

17.2 cm / 4.3 AU = 38.8 cm / x AU


17.2 cm * x AU = 38.8 cm * 4.3 AU

Dividing both sides by 17.2 cm:

x AU = 169.24 cm / 17.2 cm


x AU ≈ 9.822

Therefore, the astronomical unit distance between Jupiter and Uranus is approximately 9.7 AU.

How do scientists describe the arrangement of the early solar system?(1 point)


a rotating disk of space rocks and gases
a rotating disk of space rocks and gases

a clump of frozen gases, ice, and rock that orbits the sun
a clump of frozen gases, ice, and rock that orbits the sun

a sphere containing stars, ice crystals, and dust
a sphere containing stars, ice crystals, and dust

a system where planets revolve around the sun in orbits

a rotating disk of space rocks and gases

To find the astronomical unit (AU) distance between Jupiter and Uranus, we can use the information given in the paragraph.

1. We are given that the distance between Jupiter and Saturn in the scale model is 17.2 cm.
2. The distance between Saturn and Uranus in the scale model is 38.8 cm.
3. The astronomical unit distance between Jupiter and Saturn is 4.3 AU.

To find the astronomical unit distance between Jupiter and Uranus, we need to determine the ratio between the distances in the scale model and the actual distances in the solar system.

The ratio can be found by dividing the distance in the scale model by the astronomical unit distance:

Ratio = (Distance in scale model) / (Astronomical unit distance) = 17.2 cm / 4.3 AU

Now, we can use the ratio to find the distance between Jupiter and Uranus in AU:

(AU distance between Jupiter and Uranus) = (Ratio) * (Distance between Saturn and Uranus)
= (17.2 cm / 4.3 AU) * 38.8 cm

Calculating this value:

(AU distance between Jupiter and Uranus) = 17.2 cm * 38.8 cm / 4.3 AU

= 666.56 cm^2 / AU

Therefore, the astronomical unit distance between Jupiter and Uranus is approximately 666.56 cm^2 / AU.

So, the correct answer option is not provided in the given responses.

To determine the astronomical unit (AU) distance between Jupiter and Uranus, we can use the information provided in the paragraph. We know that the distance between Jupiter and Saturn is 17.2 cm and the distance between Saturn and Uranus is 38.8 cm.

First, we need to find the ratio between the distance in centimeters and the distance in astronomical units. We have the ratio for the distance between Jupiter and Saturn, which is 4.3 AU for 17.2 cm.

Since the distance between Saturn and Uranus is 38.8 cm, we can set up a proportional equation:

(17.2 cm) / (4.3 AU) = (38.8 cm) / (x AU)

Simplifying this equation, we get:

4.3x = (17.2 cm)(38.8 cm)

4.3x = 666.56 cm^2

Now, divide both sides of the equation by 4.3 to solve for x:

x = (666.56 cm^2) / 4.3

x ≈ 154.96 cm^2

Therefore, the AU distance between Jupiter and Uranus is approximately 154.96 cm^2. However, this is not one of the options provided.

Since none of the options are correct, it seems there might be an error in the given information or answer choices.