Choose the correct response for the question about the poem you read.

The author creates a tone of regret in the poem "On Turning Ten." Which line best demonstrates the tone of regret? Select all that apply.*

"Disfiguring chicken pox of the soul"

"The perfect simplicity of being one"

"But now I am mostly at the window"

"You tell me it is too early to be looking back"

"Disfiguring chicken pox of the soul"

"But now I am mostly at the window"

The lines that best demonstrate the tone of regret in the poem "On Turning Ten" are:

- "Disfiguring chicken pox of the soul"
- "The perfect simplicity of being one"
- "But now I am mostly at the window"
- "You tell me it is too early to be looking back"

To determine which lines best demonstrate the tone of regret in the poem "On Turning Ten," let's analyze each option:

1. "Disfiguring chicken pox of the soul"
This line uses the metaphor of "chicken pox of the soul" to describe a negative experience. It indicates a feeling of regret because it suggests that something has marred or damaged the speaker's inner self. Therefore, it can be considered as demonstrating the tone of regret.

2. "The perfect simplicity of being one"
This line does not directly convey regret. Instead, it focuses on the simplicity of being a child, without explicitly expressing any regretful sentiment. Therefore, it does not demonstrate the tone of regret.

3. "But now I am mostly at the window"
This line implies a sense of longing and nostalgia. It suggests that the speaker is no longer engaged in the carefree activities of childhood and spends their time observing the outside world from a window. While it may not directly express regret, it does evoke a wistful tone that is often associated with regret.

4. "You tell me it is too early to be looking back"
This line specifically mentions looking back and implies that the speaker has a desire to reflect on their past. It suggests a sense of regret in wanting to revisit or dwell on earlier experiences. Therefore, it demonstrates the tone of regret.

Based on this analysis, both options 1 and 4, "Disfiguring chicken pox of the soul" and "You tell me it is too early to be looking back," demonstrate the tone of regret.