Choose the correct response for the question about the short story you read.

In "My Brother's Keeper," Ted and Jamie are developed in contrast to one another by describing their *

fears of the unknown.

emotional reactions.

interactions with their parents.

distrust of one another.

interactions with their parents.


I apologize for the incorrect response. The correct answer is "distrust of one another." In "My Brother's Keeper," Ted and Jamie are portrayed as having a significant lack of trust in each other, which is highlighted throughout the story.

In "My Brother's Keeper," Ted and Jamie are developed in contrast to one another by describing their * interactions with their parents.

To determine the correct response for the question about the short story "My Brother's Keeper," you will need to analyze the text to identify how Ted and Jamie are developed in contrast to one another. Look for specific descriptions or events in the story that highlight their differences.

One way to do this is to carefully read the text and pay attention to how the author portrays Ted and Jamie. Look for instances where their characteristics or actions are emphasized. In this particular question, the contrast between Ted and Jamie is being explored, so you should focus on identifying the differences between them.

Analyze how the story describes their fears of the unknown, emotional reactions, interactions with their parents, and distrust of one another. Look for evidence or examples that support one of these options as an area where their contrast is highlighted.

Once you have identified the specific descriptions or events in the text that reveal the contrast between Ted and Jamie, you can then choose the correct response from the options provided: fears of the unknown, emotional reactions, interactions with their parents, or distrust of one another.