Choose the answer that best defines the word.



not giving up

highly respected

hopeless; depressing

hopeless; depressing

The best definition of the word "bleak" is hopeless; depressing.

To determine the best definition for the word "bleak," we can start by understanding the different options provided.

The first option is "threatening." This suggests that "bleak" conveys a sense of danger or imminent harm. While "bleak" sometimes relates to a negative or foreboding situation, it doesn't necessarily signify a direct threat.

The second option is "not giving up." This definition is incorrect because "bleak" doesn't imply perseverance or determination.

The third option is "highly respected." This definition is also incorrect as "bleak" doesn't convey admiration or high regard for something or someone.

The last option is "hopeless; depressing." This definition accurately captures the meaning of "bleak." It refers to a situation or outlook that is discouraging, lacking hope, or characterized by despair.

Therefore, the best answer is "hopeless; depressing."