Topic: How to lower the costs of higher education at public and private colleges and universities

Which text structure is best suited to the topic?

(1 point)

problem and solution
problem and solution


compare and contrast
compare and contrast

cause and effect

cause and effect

The most suitable text structure for the topic "How to lower the costs of higher education at public and private colleges and universities" is the problem and solution structure. This structure would allow for a clear identification of the problem, which is the high cost of higher education, and then provide step-by-step solutions and strategies to lower costs.

The best text structure to discuss how to lower the costs of higher education at public and private colleges and universities is the problem and solution structure.

In this structure, you can start by presenting the problem, which is the high cost of higher education. You can explain the various factors contributing to the high costs, such as tuition fees, textbooks, housing, and other related expenses.

After describing the problem, you can then provide potential solutions to lower these costs. You can discuss different approaches like financial aid options, scholarships, grants, and government programs. Additionally, you can explore the possibility of reducing administrative and overhead costs or increasing investments in education to make it more affordable.

By using the problem and solution structure, you can effectively analyze the issue of high costs in higher education and suggest actionable steps to address it, making it the most suitable text structure for this topic.