Which statement best summarizes an opportunity that exists with transitioning to renewable energy sources?(1 point)

a. Renewable energy projects can trigger new economic development in many areas, including those that are currently economically depressed.

b. Large amounts of resources, from money to infrastructure, are in place to transition to renewable energy.

c. Unlike coal, gas, or oil, solar energy and wind energy are always reliable.

d. There is widespread support for transitioning from nonrenewable sources of energy to renewable sources of energy.

a. Renewable energy projects can trigger new economic development in many areas, including those that are currently economically depressed.

The statement that best summarizes an opportunity that exists with transitioning to renewable energy sources is:

a. Renewable energy projects can trigger new economic development in many areas, including those that are currently economically depressed.

To determine the statement that best summarizes an opportunity that exists with transitioning to renewable energy sources, we will analyze each option:

a. Renewable energy projects can trigger new economic development in many areas, including those that are currently economically depressed.
This statement highlights the potential for renewable energy projects to stimulate economic growth, particularly in regions that are currently struggling economically. It suggests that transitioning to renewable energy sources can create job opportunities and improve local economies.

b. Large amounts of resources, from money to infrastructure, are in place to transition to renewable energy.
This statement emphasizes that significant resources, such as funding and infrastructure, are already available to support the transition to renewable energy sources. It suggests that the necessary resources are in place, making the transition a feasible and realistic endeavor.

c. Unlike coal, gas, or oil, solar energy and wind energy are always reliable.
This statement contrasts renewable energy sources, specifically solar and wind energy, with nonrenewable sources like coal, gas, or oil. It implies that renewable energy sources, such as solar and wind, can provide consistent and reliable power generation, unlike fossil fuels.

d. There is widespread support for transitioning from nonrenewable sources of energy to renewable sources of energy.
This statement suggests that there is considerable public support for transitioning from nonrenewable energy sources to renewable ones. It implies that the shift to renewable energy is widely seen as favorable and acceptable.

Upon reviewing the options, it can be observed that option a. best summarizes an opportunity that exists with transitioning to renewable energy sources. This choice highlights the economic development potential of renewable energy projects, especially in areas currently facing economic difficulties.