Many young people must do which of the following in order to acquire job training?


1. assume some student debt

2. just let things happen

3. choose a different career

4. read books about their chosen job

5. participate in internships or apprenticeships

He meant pick one of the 4

In that case, the answer would be:

1. Assume some student debt

The correct answer is:

1. assume some student debt

The correct answer is 3. choose a different career.

To acquire job training, young people typically need to actively take steps to pursue training and acquire the necessary skills for their desired career. The options provided in the question do not necessarily represent the best approaches to obtaining job training.

1. Assuming student debt is not directly related to job training. While some individuals may acquire debt while pursuing higher education or vocational training, it is not the only or primary way to acquire job training.

2. Just letting things happen is not an effective strategy for acquiring job training. Job training usually requires proactive efforts such as seeking out relevant education programs, internships, apprenticeships, or on-the-job training opportunities.

3. Choosing a different career option is a possible approach if the current career choice does not align with available training opportunities or if there is limited demand for that particular occupation. However, it is not the only option, as individuals can explore different avenues or programs to acquire the necessary training for their desired career.

4. While reading books about a chosen job can be a valuable source of information and knowledge, it is typically not sufficient to acquire comprehensive job training. Practical experience, hands-on training, and formal education programs are generally more effective in developing the necessary skills.

In summary, young people can acquire job training by actively seeking out relevant education and training programs, exploring apprenticeships or internships, and pursuing practical experience in their desired career field.