Which theme of geography do you need to know if you want to meet someone at a particular place?

A. Location
B. Movement
C. Region
D. Interaction

A. Location

The correct answer is A. Location. The theme of geography that you need to know if you want to meet someone at a particular place is location. This theme refers to the specific position or coordinates of a place on the Earth's surface. By knowing the location, you can determine where the place is situated and plan accordingly to meet someone there.

The correct answer is A. Location.

To meet someone at a particular place, you need to know the specific location of that place. The theme of geography that deals with the specific position or whereabouts of a place is called "Location." It includes both absolute location, which refers to the precise coordinates of a place using latitude and longitude, and relative location, which refers to the position of a place in relation to other landmarks or features.

Knowing the location helps you determine how to reach the place and make arrangements to meet someone there. You can find the address, use maps and GPS systems, or rely on landmarks or directions given by others to determine the location of the place.