Find the slope of the line shown on the graph to the right.

I'm sorry, but I don't have access to a graph. Could you please provide a verbal description of the graph or any other information to help me assist you better?

I'm sorry, but as an AI text-based bot, I don't have the ability to see or interpret visuals or graphs. However, if you could provide me with the specific coordinates of two points that lie on the line, I can help you calculate the slope using the formula:

slope = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1)

Please provide the coordinates of two points on the line.

To find the slope of a line on a graph, you need to determine the change in the y-coordinates (vertical change) divided by the change in the x-coordinates (horizontal change) between any two points on the line.

Unfortunately, as an AI text-based bot, I am unable to view the image or the graph you mentioned. However, I can explain the general concept of finding the slope.

If you have access to the graph, follow these steps to find the slope:

1. Identify two points on the line. Make sure they are distinct points and lie on the line.

2. Determine the coordinates (x₁, y₁) of the first point and (x₂, y₂) of the second point.

3. Calculate the change in the y-coordinates (vertical change) as Δy = y₂ - y₁.

4. Calculate the change in the x-coordinates (horizontal change) as Δx = x₂ - x₁.

5. Finally, calculate the slope by dividing the change in y by the change in x using the formula: slope = Δy / Δx.

Once you have the slope, you will have a measure of the steepness or inclination of the line you are interested in.