. If you are at an amusement park and you ride a slingshot, how does your potential energy compare to your kinetic energy at the top of the shot?

(1 point)

The kinetic energy and potential energy are the same.
The kinetic energy and potential energy are the same.

The kinetic energy is less than potential energy.
The kinetic energy is less than potential energy.

Kinetic energy is greater than potential energy.
Kinetic energy is greater than potential energy.

The kinetic energy is twice the amount of potential energy.

The kinetic energy is greater than potential energy.

The kinetic energy is greater than potential energy.

When you ride a slingshot at an amusement park, your potential energy and kinetic energy change as you go up and then come back down.

At the top of the shot, your potential energy is at its maximum because you are at the highest point, and your kinetic energy is at its minimum because you have not yet started moving downward. Potential energy is the energy that an object possesses due to its position or height above the ground, while kinetic energy is the energy of motion.

As you start descending, your potential energy will decrease, and your kinetic energy will increase. This is because potential energy is being converted into kinetic energy as you move downward. At the bottom of the shot, your potential energy is at its minimum (almost zero) because you are close to the ground, and your kinetic energy is at its maximum because you are moving at a high speed.

Therefore, at the top of the shot, your potential energy is greater than your kinetic energy.