What information can you use to assess the future impact of new IT? Choose the answer.

Question 17 options:

the success of technologies on which they are based

the claims of the developers

a blog by an investor

all of the above

all of the above

The correct answer is "all of the above." When assessing the future impact of new IT, you can use various sources of information such as the success of technologies on which they are based, the claims of the developers, and even insights from a blog by an investor. Each source provides valuable information that can help evaluate the potential impact of new IT.

To assess the future impact of new IT, you can consider multiple sources of information. Let's evaluate each option:

1. The success of technologies on which they are based: This is a reliable and important factor to consider. By examining the track record and adoption of underlying technologies, you can gauge their potential impact on future IT developments. If previous technologies have had a significant impact or widespread adoption, it suggests increased likelihood for future success.

2. The claims of the developers: While developers' claims can provide insights into their vision and intentions for new IT, it's essential to approach them with some skepticism. Developers may be biased and have a vested interest in promoting their own work. It's advisable to verify their claims through independent research and real-world applications.

3. A blog by an investor: While investors' perspectives can offer valuable insights, a single blog post might not provide a comprehensive view. It's important to consider multiple sources, evaluate the credibility and track record of the author, and cross-reference the information with other reputable sources.

Based on the evaluation, the most accurate answer would be "the success of technologies on which they are based." This option relies on tangible evidence and real-world impact instead of relying solely on developers' claims or the opinion of a single investor in a blog post.