That night, he jumped a fence, ran across a field, wandered through gardens and yards, and returned to Jim.

What are all of the verbs used in this sentence to describe what he did?

jumped, ran, wandered, returned

Use this passage to identify the parts of speech of the highlighted word.

"Look, I'm not the one with the problem, okay? It's the world that seems to have a problem with me! People take one look at me and go 'Aargh! Help! Run! A big stupid ugly ogre!' They judge me before they even know me; that's why I'm better off alone." -- Shrek

Look - verb (Imperative)

I'm - contraction (verb "am" + pronoun "I")
not - adverb (negation)
the - definite article
one - noun
with - preposition
the - definite article
problem - noun
okay - interjection
It's - contraction (pronoun "it" + verb "is")
the - definite article
world - noun
that - relative pronoun
seems - verb
to - preposition
have - verb
a - indefinite article
problem - noun
with - preposition
me - pronoun
People - noun
take - verb
one - numeral
look - noun
at - preposition
me - pronoun
and - conjunction
go - verb
'Aargh! - interjection
Help! - noun
Run! - verb
A - indefinite article
big - adjective
stupid - adjective
ugly - adjective
ogre - noun
They - pronoun
judge - verb
me - pronoun
before - preposition
they - pronoun
even - adverb
know - verb
me - pronoun
that's - contraction (pronoun "that" + verb "is")
why - adverb
I'm - contraction (pronoun "I" + verb "am")
better - adjective
off - adverb
alone - adjective

The verbs used in this sentence to describe what "he" did are:

1. jumped
2. ran
3. wandered
4. returned

To identify all the verbs used in the given sentence, let's break it down:

1. jumped
2. ran
3. wandered
4. returned

These are all the verbs in the sentence that describe the actions of "he."

To find the verbs in a sentence, it can be helpful to identify the subject (who or what is doing the action) and then look for the words that describe what the subject is doing. In this case, the subject is "he," and the verbs used describe his actions.