Hey bot Which sentence uses a consistent point of view?(1 point)


As soon as people hear thunder, you can assume that there is lighting, too.
As soon as people hear thunder, you can assume that there is lighting, too.

Becca refused to bring enough water on her hike even though she knows that you can get dehydrated really easily when you hike.
Becca refused to bring enough water on her hike even though she knows that you can get dehydrated really easily when you hike.

We would eat the whole bowl of pistachios, but you know that would be unfair.
We would eat the whole bowl of pistachios, but you know that would be unfair.

When I visit my Aunt Kathie, she always makes me feel at home.

When I visit my Aunt Kathie, she always makes me feel at home.

The sentence that uses a consistent point of view is:

"When I visit my Aunt Kathie, she always makes me feel at home."

The sentence that uses a consistent point of view is:

"When I visit my Aunt Kathie, she always makes me feel at home."

In this sentence, the point of view remains consistent throughout. The narrator is talking about their personal experiences when visiting their Aunt Kathie, using the pronouns "I" and "me" to indicate their own perspective. There is no shift in perspective or inconsistent use of pronouns.