What does Connotative mean

A: having a direct specific meaning

B: suggesting a positive or negative meaning of a word apart from its dictionary meaning

C: relating to a clear specific theme

D: Going beyond a literal meaning to suggest meaningful images insights or associated ideas

B: suggesting a positive or negative meaning of a word apart from its dictionary meaning

The correct answer is B: suggesting a positive or negative meaning of a word apart from its dictionary meaning.

The correct answer for the definition of "connotative" is B: suggesting a positive or negative meaning of a word apart from its dictionary meaning.

To arrive at this answer, it's helpful to understand the process of elimination. Let's break down the options:

Option A: "having a direct specific meaning" - This answer choice describes a word with a literal or dictionary meaning, rather than a connotative meaning. It does not capture the idea of a word carrying additional positive or negative implications.

Option C: "relating to a clear specific theme" - This answer choice pertains to a word or phrase that connects to a distinct and specific subject. However, it does not address the idea of connotation and implies a more literal interpretation.

Option D: "Going beyond a literal meaning to suggest meaningful images, insights, or associated ideas" - This answer choice aligns closely with the definition of connotative. It captures the notion that a word can evoke images, ideas, or insights beyond its dictionary definition.

By considering the meaning of each option and applying critical thinking, we can determine that option B, suggesting a positive or negative meaning apart from the dictionary meaning, is the most accurate definition for "connotative."