Why did the Algonquins become allies with the French? Select all that apply.


They were afraid that the French would take their land.
They were afraid that the French would take their land.

They wanted to maintain their strong fur trading relationship.
They wanted to maintain their strong fur trading relationship.

They wanted to help the French secure land east of the Mississippi.
They wanted to help the French secure land east of the Mississippi.

The French respected Native American land and did not destroy their hunting grounds.

They wanted to maintain their strong fur trading relationship.

The French respected Native American land and did not destroy their hunting grounds.

The Algonquins became allies with the French for the following reasons:

- They wanted to maintain their strong fur trading relationship.
- The French respected Native American land and did not destroy their hunting grounds.

To determine why the Algonquins became allies with the French, you can look for historical evidence and accounts. Start by researching primary sources such as journals, letters, and treaties from that time period. These documents may provide insights into the motivations of the Algonquins.

One possible reason for the alliance is that the Algonquins wanted to maintain their strong fur trading relationship with the French. The fur trade was an important economic activity for both groups, and a strong alliance would be mutually beneficial to their respective interests.

Another possible reason is that the Algonquins may have been afraid that the French would take their land. Look for historical evidence of territorial disputes or conflicts between the Algonquins and other groups in the region, as this may shed light on their motivations for aligning with the French.

Additionally, consider the relationship between the French and Native Americans during that time. If the French respected Native American land and did not destroy their hunting grounds, this may have been a factor in the Algonquins' decision to ally with them.

By examining primary sources and historical records, you can gather evidence to determine which of these reasons apply to why the Algonquins became allies with the French.