Betsy uses an electric alarm clock to wake up for school. What energy transformation happens in the alarm clock to help her wake up?(1 point)


electrical energy converts to heat energy
electrical energy converts to heat energy

electrical energy converts to sound energy
electrical energy converts to sound energy

chemical energy converts to electrical energy
chemical energy converts to electrical energy

sound energy converts to kinetic energy
sound energy converts to kinetic energy

electrical energy converts to sound energy

The correct answer is: electrical energy converts to sound energy.

The correct answer is "electrical energy converts to sound energy."

To understand how this energy transformation happens, we can break it down step by step.

Firstly, Betsy plugs in her electric alarm clock to a power source. The clock is designed to use electrical energy, which flows through its circuits.

Inside the alarm clock, there are components called transducers, specifically a speaker or buzzer. These transducers are designed to convert electrical energy into other forms of energy.

When the alarm of the clock goes off, an electrical signal is sent to the speaker or buzzer. This electrical signal causes the speaker or buzzer to vibrate, rapidly pushing and pulling the surrounding air molecules.

These rapid vibrations of the air molecules create sound waves, which travel through the air as sound energy. Betsy hears this sound energy in the form of an alarm sound, prompting her to wake up for school.

Therefore, the energy transformation that occurs in the alarm clock is the conversion of electrical energy into sound energy, allowing Betsy to be awakened by the alarm.