Valerie buys a new car. She can drive 288 miles on a full tank of gas if her car holds 16 gallons of gasoline, what is the unit rate of miles per gallon

The unit rate of miles per gallon can be found by dividing the number of miles driven by the number of gallons of gasoline used.

Valerie can drive 288 miles on a full tank of gas if her car holds 16 gallons of gasoline.

Therefore, the unit rate of miles per gallon is 288 miles / 16 gallons = 18 miles per gallon. Answer: \boxed{18}.

To find the unit rate of miles per gallon, we need to divide the number of miles driven by the number of gallons of gasoline used.

Step 1: Divide the number of miles driven by the number of gallons of gasoline used.
288 miles รท 16 gallons = 18 miles per gallon.

Therefore, the unit rate of miles per gallon for Valerie's car is 18 miles per gallon.