What exponent would make the two expressions equivalent: (33)x=324?(1 point)






To find the exponent that would make the two expressions equivalent, you need to solve the equation (33)x = 324.

To do this, you need to find the common logarithm of both sides of the equation.

log(33)x = log(324)

Now you can apply the power rule of logarithms to bring the exponent down as a coefficient:

x * log(33) = log(324)

Next, divide both sides of the equation by log(33) to isolate the variable x:

x = log(324) / log(33)

Using a calculator, you can calculate the values of log(324) and log(33) and then divide them to find the value of x.

The correct response from the given options would be:


To find the exponent that would make the two expressions equivalent, we need to solve the equation (33)^x = 324.

The first step is to recognize that 33 can be written as 3^2 * 11. So, the equation becomes (3^2 * 11)^x = 324.

Next, we can simplify the equation by raising each factor to the power of x: 3^(2x) * 11^x = 324.

Now, we can start to solve the equation by breaking down 324 into its prime factorization: 324 = 2^2 * 3^4.

Comparing the prime factorizations of both sides of the equation, we can set up the following equation for the exponents:
2x = 4 and x = 4.

Therefore, the exponent that would make the two expressions equivalent is x = 4.

Looking at the given options, none of them have an exponent of 4. So none of the provided options is correct.