What does this statement mean? IP addresses are hierarchical(2 points)


Only certain machines employ IP addresses to send and receive data.
Only certain machines employ IP addresses to send and receive data.

Addresses can be expressed in 32 bits.
Addresses can be expressed in 32 bits.

Protocols are used to standardize communication between machines.
Protocols are used to standardize communication between machines.

The information in an IP address goes from broad to specific.

What does this statement mean? IP addresses are hierarchical(2 points)


a)Only certain machines employ IP addresses to send and receive data.

b)Addresses can be expressed in 32 bits.

c)Protocols are used to standardize communication between machines.

d)The information in an IP address goes from broad to specific.


The information in an IP address goes from broad to specific means that the IP address is structured hierarchically. The IP address is divided into different parts, with each part specifying a different level of network or location information. The initial part of the address indicates the network or subnet, while the later parts indicate the specific device or host within that network. This hierarchical structure helps in routing and identifying devices on the internet.

The statement "IP addresses are hierarchical" means:

a) Only certain machines employ IP addresses to send and receive data: This statement is inaccurate. All machines connected to the internet, including computers, smartphones, servers, routers, and other devices, use IP addresses to send and receive data. IP addresses are essential for identifying and routing data packets on the internet.

b) Addresses can be expressed in 32 bits: This statement is accurate. IP addresses are typically represented as a sequence of four numbers separated by periods. Each number represents 8 bits of the IP address, totaling 32 bits. This format is known as IPv4 (Internet Protocol version 4). However, it's worth mentioning that there is also IPv6 (Internet Protocol version 6) which uses 128 bits.

c) Protocols are used to standardize communication between machines: This statement is accurate. Protocols, such as TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol), are utilized to establish rules and standards for communication between machines connected to the internet. These protocols ensure interoperability and reliable data transmission across different devices and networks.

d) The information in an IP address goes from broad to specific: This statement is accurate. IP addresses are structured hierarchically. The address consists of network and host portions. The network portion represents the broader network infrastructure, while the host portion specifies the specific device within that network. As the address moves from left to right, the information becomes more specific, allowing routers to route data packets accurately.

d) The information in an IP address goes from broad to specific.

The statement "IP addresses are hierarchical" means that the information in an IP address goes from broad to specific. This means that IP addresses are structured in a hierarchy where the initial portion of the address indicates a broader network location, and the later portion indicates a more specific location within that network.

The statement "IP addresses are hierarchical" means that the information in an IP address goes from broad to specific. To understand this, let's break it down:

1. IP addresses are unique numeric identifiers assigned to devices connected to a network, such as computers, smartphones, or servers. They are used to send and receive data over the internet.

2. IP addresses are hierarchical in nature, which means they are organized in a specific order. An IP address consists of four sets of numbers separated by periods (e.g., Each set of numbers represents a different level of specificity in the address.

3. In the hierarchical structure of IP addresses, the first set of numbers represents the network portion of the address. It identifies the network to which the device belongs. This portion of the address is broader and common to multiple devices within the same network.

4. The subsequent sets of numbers in the IP address represent the host portion. They identify the specific device within the network. This portion of the address is more specific and unique to each individual device.

So, when we say that the information in an IP address goes from broad to specific, it means that the first part of the address represents the broader network, while the latter parts represent the more specific device within that network.