Introduce the corpora of mariah careys syntactic mastery of songs that you are going to focus on your study. Discuss that there might be connections of the corpora to the life of the writer/author and you are going to explore further.

For my study, I have collected a corpus of Mariah Carey's songs, specifically focusing on her syntactic mastery. This corpus comprises a wide range of her songs from various albums throughout her career. The aim is to analyze the syntactic structures she employs in her lyrics and uncover any patterns or techniques that contribute to her unique style.

Through this study, I hope to identify the specific linguistic features that contribute to Mariah Carey's lyrical prowess. By analyzing her syntactic choices, such as sentence structures, word order, and grammatical constructions, we can gain insights into her artistic expression and the overall impact of her music.

Moreover, it is interesting to explore whether there are connections between the analyzed corpora and Mariah Carey's life as the writer and author of these songs. Artists often draw from their personal experiences, emotions, and beliefs when creating music. Therefore, it is possible that Mariah Carey's life, relationships, and personal journey have influenced the linguistic choices she makes in her song lyrics.

By delving into the connections between her life and her lyrics, we can examine how her own experiences shape her ability to create powerful songs. This exploration can provide a deeper understanding of the connection between an artist's personal life and their creative output, and how these elements intertwine in Mariah Carey's music.

Overall, this study aims to explore Mariah Carey's syntactic mastery in her songs, while also considering any potential connections to her life as the writer and author of these lyrics. By investigating the linguistic features of her music and exploring the personal influences behind her songwriting, we can gain a comprehensive understanding of Mariah Carey's artistic expression and the impact it has had on her career.

In my study, I will focus on the corpus of Mariah Carey's syntactic mastery of songs. A corpus refers to a collection of texts or linguistic data that can be used to study language patterns and structures. In this case, it relates specifically to Mariah Carey's songs and the way she uses syntax in her lyrics.

By analyzing Mariah Carey's syntactic choices in her songs, we can explore the connections between her language usage and her personal experiences or emotions as a writer and performer. It is well-known that artists often draw inspiration from their own lives when creating their work, and Carey is no exception. Therefore, delving into the syntactic aspects of her songs may provide insights into her narrative styles, poetic expressions, and the underlying themes that she incorporates.

Throughout my study, I will aim to uncover the relationships between the linguistic features of the corpus and Carey's life, including her personal experiences, relationships, and career milestones. By examining her syntax in depth, I hope to shed light on how Mariah Carey effectively communicates her message through her songs and how her unique syntax contributes to her artistic expression.

Through careful analysis and exploration of Mariah Carey's syntactic mastery within her songs, I aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of the connections between the corpora and the life of the writer.