How does the sentence below develop the concept that ecosystems are important to wildlife?

"Coral reefs, for example, serve as an important habitat for many fish and marine organisms.

Question options:

It shows that fish depend on wildlife, including other marine organisms.

It describes coral reefs as a significant habitat.

It mentions that reefs support specific wildlife, such as fish.

It explains that marine reefs are made of coral.

The correct option is: It mentions that reefs support specific wildlife, such as fish.

This sentence directly states that coral reefs serve as an important habitat for many fish and marine organisms, implying that without coral reefs, these creatures would not have a suitable environment to live in. Therefore, it supports the concept that ecosystems, in this case coral reefs, are important to wildlife.

The correct option is:

It mentions that reefs support specific wildlife, such as fish.

The sentence specifically highlights that coral reefs serve as an important habitat for fish and marine organisms. This development shows that coral reefs are significant in supporting and providing a habitat for wildlife, emphasizing the importance of ecosystems to wildlife.