“States like Nevada, Idaho, Montana and South Dakota, which all include large stretches of tribal land, held their primary elections almost entirely by mail.”

The author provides this evidence to support which idea in the passage?

A) Voting by mail became the main way to vote in many state elections because of the coronavirus.

B) The nontraditional addresses of many Native Americans living on tribal reservations make voting by mail difficult.

C) Even before the pandemic began, residents living on reservations found voting by mail difficult.

D) Rather than consisting of a standard number and street name, the addresses of many Native Americans are instructions.

A) Voting by mail became the main way to vote in many state elections because of the coronavirus.

The author provides this evidence to support option A) Voting by mail became the main way to vote in many state elections because of the coronavirus.

To determine the answer to this question, let's analyze the evidence provided by the author. The passage states that states like Nevada, Idaho, Montana, and South Dakota held their primary elections almost entirely by mail and that these states include large stretches of tribal land.

The evidence suggests that these states with tribal land held their primary elections by mail. Therefore, the correct answer would be option A) Voting by mail became the main way to vote in many state elections because of the coronavirus.

By explaining how these states held their primary elections by mail, the author supports the idea that voting by mail became the main way to vote in many state elections due to the coronavirus.