What is the correct sum for 65.83 + 49.74?

The correct sum for 65.83 + 49.74 is 115.57.

To find the sum of 65.83 + 49.74, you can follow these steps:

Step 1: Align the numbers vertically according to their place values:

+ 49.74

Step 2: Start by adding the digits in the rightmost column (the hundredths place):

+ 49.74

Step 3: Move to the next column to the left (the tenths place) and add the digits:

+ 49.74

Step 4: Continue to the next column (the ones place) and add the digits:

+ 49.74

Step 5: Finally, check if there are any additional columns to the left. In this case, we do not have any more columns, so the sum of 65.83 + 49.74 is 115.57.

Therefore, the correct sum for 65.83 + 49.74 is 115.57.