Why do atoms exchange or share electrons during bonding?(1 point)


to attract an ion with the opposite charge
to attract an ion with the opposite charge

to obtain a full outer electron shell
to obtain a full outer electron shell

to become neutral
to become neutral

to have eight inner level electrons

to have eight inner level electrons

Which phrase describes valence electrons?(1 point)


electrons that are shared between atoms
electrons that are shared between atoms

the electrons surrounding an atom’s nucleus
the electrons surrounding an atom’s nucleus

the electrons in an atom’s outermost energy level
the electrons in an atom’s outermost energy level

electrons that are exchanged between atoms

the electrons in an atom’s outermost energy level

The main reason why atoms exchange or share electrons during bonding is to obtain a full outer electron shell. This electron configuration is more stable and allows atoms to achieve a lower energy state. By sharing or transferring electrons, atoms can fill their outermost energy level (also known as the valence shell) to achieve a stable electron configuration, typically with eight electrons. This is known as the octet rule. Additionally, by exchanging or sharing electrons, atoms can also become neutral in terms of charge, which further stabilizes the structure of the compound formed.