Starfish are actually not fish at all. Because they do not have spines, or backbones, they belong to a category of species called invertebrates. Most starfish have spiny skin and five arms around a disk-like body. Their arms have tiny suckers that allow them to move slowly across the ocean floor. Starfish like to dine on clams, oysters, and snails. There are about 1,600 different species of starfish living in our oceans. One species, known as the leather star, lives on the West Coast of North America and can be found in depths of 300 feet. This type tries to avoid its predator, the morning sun star.

Stella wants to revise her summary so that it only includes major details about the starfish species. Which change should she make to her summary?

(1 point)

add her personal story about an experience with starfish

delete the minor details about the leather star species

add information about starfish from other texts

explain why starfish are her favorite sea creature

Delete the minor details about the leather star species.

To revise her summary to only include major details about the starfish species, Stella should delete the minor details about the leather star species. The other options - adding her personal story, adding information from other texts, and explaining why starfish are her favorite sea creature - are not relevant to summarizing the species of starfish.